ourself zine   for queer voices in Hong Kong   
《我哋》 小誌  酷兒聲音在香港   


Lovers parted ways not because they have fallen out of love. His parents said, “both of you are men. leave him or leave this family.” You read “Notes of a Crocodile”, the writer’s queer desires, novels she had yet to write, her suicide at 26. “What if this is just a phase?” people asked you the day you came out. You introduced your name, your pronouns. An admin person responded, “this is not what your ID says.”

You are in love with someone. When you are together, there is nothing you cannot overcome. You read “A Wife’s Diary”, the writer’s love story with a woman, a post-same-sex-marriage Taiwan. You find love in your friends and family. You introduce your name, your pronouns. Your peers introduce their names, their pronouns. The admin person introduces their name, their pronouns.

We feel disoriented in a world full of narratives created by - sometimes imposed on - us. As you flip the pages of the zine, the process will not provide answers or standard definitions as to what it means to be a part of the community, and in fact it does not need to. Stories and identities are too complex and multifaceted to be contained in the capacity of this zine - nor can our lived experience be fully translated into words, but what Ourself seeks to do is to invite a beam of light into the less illuminated places of our society, homes, closets - and our hearts.




